Contractors interested in creating accurate bid packages can take advantage of free applications assistance with the Lighting Layout
Tool offered at
This new, web-based tool eliminates hours of calculations –
and the potential for mistakes – by doing the math for customers. The lighting
layout tool works for both large indoor warehouse or industrial spaces and outdoor
parking area lighting upgrade projects.
For indoor applications, the layout tool allows customers to
control the size of the room, including the ceiling height; enter the desired
foot candles; choose the layout of rows, columns and wall spacing; and provides
a printed detailed summary at the end.
Customers can configure the right light for an outdoor application
– also with a printed summary – by defining how they envision laying out rows,
mounting height, orientation and tilt; adding new fixtures or changing location
by clicking and dragging; and setting the preferred units such as “feet” and “foot
First time visitors will appreciate the attention to detail
and are encouraged to click on every input section from top to bottom. Once
customers become familiar with the operation of the tool, steps can be skipped
according to the needs of the project for results in seconds.
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