Friday, March 14, 2014

Using LEDs to Fight Light Pollution, One Wall Pack at a Time

Electrical contractor/photographer is putting her passion to work

Company leaders at Foster-Jacob, Inc. in Peoria, IL, are investing in energy efficiency and reducing light pollution with LED wall packs offered by e-conolight

The company has a number of exterior wall packs on its building that are aging and contributing to local light pollution by splashing light up and into the night instead of down onto driveways and sidewalks. Those fixtures are being replaced with LED wall packs.

Company Vice President Emily Jacob is leading the charge because she believes in the future of LED.

“I like LED technology and the color the lights give off,” she said. “We know e-conolight LED products, and we are using them to save money on our energy bills.”

Crews have been installing LED wall packs offered by e-conolight for their customers for quite some time so company leaders were familiar with the product quality and service that is part of the e-conolight customer experience.

Jacob is also a photographer who specializes in nighttime backdrops, and she is a member of the International Dark Sky Association, an organization dedicated to preserving views of the night sky. She said switching out the company’s existing wall packs with LEDs helps her live her belief in limiting light pollution.

“I’m really passionate about what the IDA is trying to do so I’m pushing my ideas on everyone here,” Jacob said with a chuckle. “Using LEDs saves money on energy costs and the design of the light keeps the beam pointing down and not into the sky.”

The plan is to keep replacing exterior wall packs LEDs offered by e-conolight as needed, she added.

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