Friday, April 25, 2014

Savings with LED Floodlights Add Up Quickly

When Yogi Patel bought his motel property in Lodi, CA, in Fall 2013, he was ready to switch out the 1,000W parking lot lights to LED fixtures, but he worried about where to find a cost-effective solution.

“I looked around, and other companies were charging $600 or more,” he said.

When his contractor recommended e-conolight, Patel did some research and was impressed with both the selection and the prices.

“E-conolight is a very low price compared to others I found. For less than $300 you can’t go wrong,” he said. “The quality of the light is exactly what I needed, and they work perfectly.”

Patel purchased 52 40-degree  7,000 lumen, 152W LED floodlights offered by e-conolight for the motel parking lot and says he saw savings – in both energy and his electric bill – immediately. The original lights ran for 12 hours a day and were using 54,000 watts. His new LEDs use only 7,752 watts for those same 12 hours, which netted Patel an $11,500 rebate check from his utility company.

More, Patel also purchased three, 20-degree spotlights to wash the roof of the motel and is in the process of replacing staircase fixtures with LED wall mounts, also offered by e-conolight.

“I have put in five LED wall mounts so far, and there are nine more to go,” he added. “As those lights go out, I will replace them with the same wall mounts.”

Patel said he plans to keep converting his legacy lighting fixtures with LEDs because they’re the future of lighting.

“LEDs are the generation people will go to,” he stated. “And e-conolight will be my first stop going forward.”


  1. While floodlights activated by motion or heat sensors are an energy-saver, the LED floodlight is quickly finding its share of the market because they provide an even greater energy savings than the more traditional floodlight fixtures. The initial cost of an LED unit exceeds that of an incandescent floodlight bulb but they last up to 25 times longer.

  2. Aww I loved this post. Mind blowing , it's surprising...
    LED Fixtures

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